WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms National Park Authority Audit Committee Paper 2 Annex 2a 24/03/05 Cairngorms National Park Authority Results Spreadsheet from Risk Management Workshop - November 2004 Risk Likelihood Impact Overall Risk Score Lack of clarity on priorities 4.30 4.70 20.20 Lack of public understanding of CNPA objectives 4.90 4.10 20.10 Spread ourselves too thin 4.30 4.40 18.90 Lack of a developed Health and Safety policy 5.00 3.70 18.50 Management of relationship with private estates / land owners 4.60 4.00 18.40 Inconsistent internal communication 4.30 3.90 16.80 Staff overloaded 4.40 3.70 16.30 Lack of a local plan 4.90 3.30 16.20 Failure to deliver major projects 3.60 4.10 14.80 Plans are not aligned 3.60 4.10 14.80 CNPA sets the wrong measures of success in the public view 3.60 4.00 14.40 Don't identify customer requirements 3.40 4.10 13.90 Don't satisfy customer requirements 3.30 4.00 13.20 Failing to exploit IT functionality 4.00 3.30 13.20 Lack of project management skills 3.40 3.70 12.60 Too much planning, not enough execution 3.60 3.40 12.20 Ineffective delegation of responsibilities 3.40 3.30 11.20 Lack of interchangeability of staff 3.40 3.30 11.20 Reduction in EU funding for future programmes 3.30 3.40 11.20